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Disciplemaking Groups

D Group Curriculumn

Making disciples who can make disciples

Disciplemaking Groups are small (4-6 people), same-gender groups that meet weekly for about nine months working through a curriculum designed by the Ridge around our beliefs of who a disciple is and what a disciple does.

D-Groups were created and designed specifically to make disciples who can make disciples. By learning to study the Bible for yourself, think theologically, develop spiritual disciplines, and articulate all of that in your own words, you will gain tools to not only lead and equip others, but to more faithfully move toward Jesus for the rest of your life!

Join or Lead a Group

We would love to help you determine if a D-Group is the next best step as you follow Jesus! To start the process, please fill out the form for your preferred campus. If you would like to lead a group, indicate your interest on the form and one of our pastors will set up a time to meet.

Bee Cave
Dripping Springs
Highland Lakes